For the masthead of the magazine, I wanted the text to be bold and have a good balance of fun and seriousness, to appeal to a large audience. I made ‘F’ have an outer glow to add a fun appeal and also have the school colours in the magazine.

I tried the masthead against one of the school colours. However, I think that having a plain white background means that the background can be any colour,  adjusting to the background of the magazine.

I inserted a green banner to act as a break between the masthead and taglines.






This is the final version of my magazine. I have placed the text around the picture and on the boarder , making it easy to read. I have also kept the text black and the font simple to keep it readable. The image fits with the magazine, because the image represents some sixth formers at Fortismere.

To improve my magazine, next time I could represent a wider range of people e.g) boys and girls, someone with a disability.